Keeping Meghan Danahey around? I knew it would be tough. She's only the most highly credentialed female Forecaster to ever wander through this TV market. And for folks ready to take the next step in their career...working in a TV market that has it's place in severe weather history looks pretty darn good on the resume! So off to (so called) sunny Florida Megs goes...and I've been asked to take responsibilty of the channel 6 weather office. I'm flattered that I was even considered to be in the same class as Meghan and it will be difficult to maintain her high standards, But I'll do my best.
I've been pretty darn bad a keeping the "Wichta Falls Weather" blog updated, but I'm hoping, as we get closer to fall, and weather
returns to the Red River Valley I will 'freshen' the blog at least weekly.
As always...I invite everyone who stumbles onto these pages to comment, if only to let me know you were here.
Here ends year one of "Wichita Falls Weather"...I'm excited about what year two has in store.