A Weathercaster's journal

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Thanks Texoma, its been my pleasure!

Everyone talks about the weather. The sky is an equal opportunity offender and altruist. It gives and it takes. Some say Texoma is not a scenic place. I would argue that the beauty is found in our unobstructed horizon. We can clearly see distant thunderstorms achieving heights twice that of Everest. Storm chasers drive hundreds of miles to witness what we have a front row seat to every spring and summer, natural spectacle. Everyone talks about the weather....heck, sometimes it's all we got!

Being a TV weathercaster is a unique and humbling job. It involves predicting the future on a daily basis before a savvy audience. There are no take-backs, no mistakes that can be remedied with White Out or spell check. You can garner a level of recognition on par with the Mayor, and of course, you are "wrong most of the time and still get paid". But that's a different letter.

I'm writing today to thank the citizens of Texoma for allowing me to serve them. Being a Texoman myself, I feel as if I've become an accepted and even respected member of the community. You've allowed me into your homes, given me your trust, and when passing in public offered up a smile and a nod of acceptance. Even the farmers and ranchers of this great land, from whom my greatest scrutiny comes, are always quick with a wave and encouraging word.

I'm sorry to say, after nine years of trying to figure out these skies, the weather is no longer my job. It's once again just a hobby. The station that allowed to me serve you made a business decision I could not stand behind. Due to an established professional relationship, a certain business agreed to sponsor some of the station's weather equipment. Because of the nature of the sponsor, I felt it cheapened our weather product and it fell into a ethical gray area. I poured too much of my time and pride into my job to have it sullied like that. I respectfully bowed out.

It's important that you know I understand that television news and weather is ultimately a business, a costly business requiring incredible amounts of revenue just to pay the bills. I wish no ill will upon my former employer. In fact, maybe one day, I would work there again if the opportunity came about. When you invest ten years in a place of employment it becomes part of your spirit. This is simply a matter of me standing up for what I believe in, and I feel both parties are better for it. I have left many dear friends, to whom I credit my success.

The good news is I'm not leaving Wichita Falls. My family and I enjoy our life here. In fact, with a more "normal" job I will play a greater role in my children's lives. That's something I've wanted to do for a long time. I will still be serving the community as a volunteer storm spotter. So, the next time you scan that unobstructed horizon and see a distant thundercloud, chances are I'll be under it.

Thank you Texoma, It's been my pleasure

John Cameron


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