A Weathercaster's journal

Friday, April 01, 2005

Pope John Paul II

A few interesting facts:

Born: Karol Jozeph Wojtyla
May 18th, 1920, Wadowice Poland

His Mother died in '29, Father in '41

Said to have been a very athletic young man. Also considered a gifted actor and singer in the late '30s. Nazis closed the university he was attending in '39 and he worked at a chemical plant in Poland during World War II.

He was ordained in 1946

Finished doctorate in theology in 1948. Completed 2nd doctor's thesis in '53 and became professor of theology and ethics at Lublin Catholic University in Poland.

Became a cardinal in '67

Was made Pope at age 58, the youngest in 132 years, and the first non-Italian in 456 years. At the time he became Pope, Poland was a Marxist and atheistic nation. John Paul I had only been Pope for 34 days before suffering a heart attack.

After becoming Pope, John Paul II learned Spanish, making him fluent in 8 languages.

He helped establish a relationship between The Vatican and Israel.

Became the first Pope to be an international bestselling author and the first pontiff to have a web site.

You shouldn't mourn the death of a man whom trully lived.



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