Here are the temperature extremes for September 27 & 28, 2004
Looks like rain may find its way into the forecast Thursday evening!
Goody, Goody!
A Weathercaster's journal
Here are the temperature extremes for September 27 & 28, 2004
"Hey Jude" breaks records
It's going to be an exciting week at the homestead. The new electronic drumset I ordered should be arriving(hopefully early in the week) and, not to give too much away, a new "stringed" instrument that I have made the commitment to learn will be arriving as well.
Here are the temperature extremes for the weekend of September 25/26, 2004
Here are the temperature extremes for September 24, 2004
"Texoma Speak"
Here are the temperature extremes for September 22, 2004
Here are the temperatures extremes for September 21, 2004
Fillin' in for "Megs"(Meghan Danahey) this week. I could get used to this shift. Get to sleep in, get the house to myself(just me and the dogs) for a few hours. Plus, there's not as much on-air time on this shift as there is in the mornings(save for severe weather). The only downside to working this shift is the only time I see my kids is in the mornings as they rush off to school. I get to see my wife only if she "waits up" for me. In the evenings, my wife has to play single parent. I wouldn't wish that upon my worst enemy. Parenthood is by far the toughest job I've ever had. But, I wouldn't have it any other way.
Kennedy proposes joint mission to the moon
Here are the temperature extremes for September 20, 2004
If all I'm remembered for is being a good basketball player, then I've done a bad job with the rest of my life.
here are the temperature extremes for September 18, 2004
Space Shuttle unveiled
here are the temperatures extremes for September 16, 2004
I really like Reese's Puffs Cereal.
Did you know that if you hold your arms straight out (opposite each other) with your back to the wind and turn 30 degrees clockwise, your left hand will be pointing toward low pressure and your right hand will be pointing towards high pressure?
Here are the temperature extremes for September 14, 2004
I have changed the settings of this web site to where you dont have to register or create your own blog in order to comment on any entry you see here at "Wichita Falls Weather". Now, anyone can comment unconditionally.
Children's author Roald Dahl is born
Here are the temperature extremes for September 12, 2004
Here are the temperature extremes for September 11, 2004
Here are the temperature extremes for September 10, 2004
Did you know that rain typically begins as snow that thaws on it's decsent to Earth? This explains why the tallest mountains remain snow capped during the warmest season.
Final episode of Late Night with David Letterman
Here are the temperature extremes for September 9, 2004
Here are the temperature extremes for September 8, 2004
Here are the temperatures extremes for September 7, 2004
Buddy Holly is born
Here are the temperature extremes for September 6, 2004
Here are the temperature extremes for September 4, 2004
here are the temperature extremes for September 3, 2004
here are the temperature extremes for September 2, 2004