I've accomplished something over the past few weeks that I wasn't sure I had the will to do.
I read a book
I know, I know, "big deal!" right?
Actually, yes.
Reading has never come easy to me. My Wife, who's field of expertise includes difficulty in speech and reading, feels that my problem with reading is very similar to dyslexia. Whatever the case, reading is a chore for me. Until recently, I've never read a book to be entertained. As an adolescent and y0ung adult, if I read a book, its was for research or improving my weather knowledge. My favorite "books" as a child were road atlases and almanacs. With those publications there was no obligation to follow a story, or concentrate on a plot or character development. I could read a page or two, pick up a quick fact (something to add to my cache of useless knowledge) close the book and hope to crack it open a few weeks down the pike.
Well, I can now say I've read a 450 page story from cover to cover. Not fiction, mind you, but a story none the less that took every ounce of commitment, determination, and concentration. The title of the book is Ghost Rider: Travels on the Healing Road. Its a profound account of recent tragedies in the life of Rush drummer Neil Peart (author) and the months following his tremendous loss when he traveled over 55,000 miles trying to find himself again. The book is not real exciting, nor is the story very dynamic, so I really had to stay focused, especially with my kids and pets wanting something with every turn of a page.
Metaphorically speaking, I feel I've turned a page in my life. I honestly didn't know I could concentrate long enough to read a book of this length and battle the distractions in the corners of my own noggin. I really feel as if I have accomplished something. As a matter of fact, I have ordered the more recent book by the same author, and I'm actually looking foreward to reading it.
John Cameron
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